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Network Node
Network Node enables connections between plans and ecosystems to enable further collaboration. The Network Node can link directly to the OnePlanet Action Plan of the entity or its website.
Link Outcomes, Actions or Indicators to a Network Node to demonstrate the activity of a particular entity. Network Nodes can be created as:
- Workspace plan
- Organisation
- Plan
- Project
- Initiative
- Asset
- Other
The Network Node can also be used in the creation of a Resource Map to communicate existing companies, initiatives, and projects that are delivering climate action within a locality.
To create a Network Node:
- Open your Plan in Mindmap view.
- Click Network
- Enter the Name, Type of entity, Link, Details and Additional information
- Click add node
To adopt an existing Network Node:
- Open your Plan in Mindmap view
- Click Network, then click Adopt
- Select a Network from the list
- Click Adopt nodes