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The Filters feature of the platform allows you to go through information within your plan and choose to hide it or show it.
On Mindmap View, the Filters button can be found on the top right of the screen. To filter out some information, click the button to reveal a fly-out on the right of your screen. This reveals 6 sections to apply filters;
- Categories: useful for filtering the different categories under a lens. Click on the specific category you would like to show/hide and it is reflected in the mindmap. You can filter categories from a Primary lens but also a Secondary lens. This means you can filter the desired categories for the information you want to show in your primary lens (which will be the lens the mindmap is currently set to) and then click on the secondary lens to further filter the information you showed in the primary filter with a different lens and categories.
- Private nodes: allows you to show or hide the private nodes you have created in your plan.
- Bookmarked: allows you to show or hide the bookmarked nodes you have created in your plan.
- Completed Actions: allows you to show or hide the your Actions to complete and also your Completed Actions.
- Ecosystem Plans: allows you to show or hide the different Ecosystems in your plan. There is also a Search function to use if there are multiple Ecosystem Plans to search through.
- Progress: allows you to filter through the RAG status of the actions and indicators in your plan.