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Publishing your Plan
Before publishing your Action Plan, you will need to first publish your Workspace, see Edit / Publish your Workspace.
To publish your Action Plan on the OnePlanet website:
- From the Dashboard click View on the ‘Plans’ card and then click on the Action Plan you wish to publish.
- You can publish your plan on either the Plan Details page or in Document View by simply clicking on ‘Publish Plan’.
- Edit what will appear on the public page of your Action Plan, this includes information on: about the plan, location and contact information.
- Choose to share your plan as a PDF report, a Mindmap or both. If you choose to share your PDF report(s), select from the Report List which generated documents you wish to share. If you choose to share your Mindmap, select from the first drop-down which lenses you want your audience to view your plan through, then select in the second drop-down which will be the default lens when your Action Plan is first opened.
- You can also attach a link to a Google Map that contains relevant pinned locations of your Action Plan.
- Upload a banner image and logo
- Preview your public Action Plan page before publishing.
For guidance on how to generate a PDF report of your Action Plan, see 5.7 Action Plan Reports.