Shared Nodes Deletion
Deleting a Shared Node such as a Shared Outcome or Shared Indicator has an impact on the plans and workspaces in which these Shared Nodes are adopted.
Within a workspace, if you have adopted a Shared Node from the Ecosystem Plan into another plan within that Workspace but you delete the Shared Node from the Ecosystem Plan, the adopted Shared Node in the other plan in that Workspace because a Node instead of a Shared Node. All members of the Workspace will receive a notification to inform them of the Shared Nodes Deletion. For example, if the plan had adopted a Shared Outcome from their Ecosystem Plan but the Shared Outcome in the Ecosystem Plan was deleted, then the Shared Outcome adopted into the plan would become a regular Outcome. The Outcome would still contain all of the same Additional Data as the Shared Outcome it once was.
If a Shared Node is adopted in a different Workspace from the Ecosystem Plan in which it originated (by ways of Connecting Ecosystems) and is then deleted from the original Ecosystem Plan, it will become a Shared Node in the Ecosystem Plan in which it was adopted (turning it into that Ecosystem Plan’s Shared Node) and can remain adopted as a Shared Node in all of the plans in that Workspace.